When a loved one is incarcerated, they are not the only one in shackles.
Founded by the mother of an incarcerated man, MIS calls attention to the unseen financial, emotional, and social struggles of the women that are adversely affected by the imprisonment of their loved ones. Through community outreach, voter registration, and fundraising, this growing nonprofit organization raises awareness about the impacts of mass incarceration on incarcerated people and their families, and organizes both indirect and direct aid to mitigate them.
Financial difficulties and greater burden of grandparenting...
are associated with having a son incarcerated and they mediate the relationship between the incarceration and a mother’s psychological distress. Results suggest that incarceration has important effects on family members’ well-being.
Financial difficulties may be one pathway...
through which incarceration of an adult son affects a mother’s psychological distress because incarceration often results in the removal of an important source of family income (Harlow, 1998) and typically affects the most socioeconomically disadvantaged members of society (Pettit & Western, 2004).
The mother’s social ties may mediate the effect...
on the psychological distress of having a son who has been incarcerated. Incarceration of a loved one is a stigmatizing event that can lead to withdrawal from social institutions and supports (Hairston, 2003; Lowenstein, 1986), and lack of social ties can have significant health effects (Cohen & Wills, 1985; House, Landis, & Umberson, 1988; Sarason, Pierce, & Sarason, 1994).
Mothers’ parenting self-appraisal may mediate the influence...
on their psychological distress of having a son who has been incarcerated. Because mothers may blame themselves for the incarceration, we explore whether feelings of failure for not being able to help their child avoid criminal involvement may then affect their psychological health. Studies have shown that feelings of failure around incarceration can lead to poor psychological health (Hairston, 2003).
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Information referenced from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5969516/
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